Why Choose SHMSCO?


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is a property management company that specializes in providing snagging services in construction projects to ensure a perfect handing over of your property. Our company of welltrained team individuals with over a decade of construction and market experience has quickly gained a reputation for its commitment to ensuring quality and customer satisfaction. Our Engineering team of professionals are here to Scan, snag and inspect your property professionally and advise you on the defects in your property and the best solutions as well. With our mission to help our clients to receive their properties in its ideal condition our values rise high and stand to assure this mission as commitment, trust, hardworking and dedication are the values we promise to provide to our customers 24/7. Our goal is to be a leading part of the elite construction and real estate industry in the UAE and by that our services we provide by assuring the projects quality standards by the least cost.



Our Team

Hisham Osama


Ahmed Sabri



Our Clients


SHMSCO provides their services in variance different projects constructed by biggest developers in UAE.